Fasilitas Ruangan Kesehatan RSUD Asy-Syifa'
Sumbawa Barat

Ruang IGD

Ruang Rawat Inap

Ruang Rawat Jalan

Ruang Poli

Ruang Radiologi

Ruang Bedah


Apa Kata Mereka Tentang Fasilitas Kesehatan RSUD Asy-Syifa' Sumbawa Barat?


Pasien Bahagia

Fasilitas Medis Terbaik dan Staf yang Penuh Kasi.

RSUD Asy-Syifa'

Fasilitas RSUD Asy-Syifa' Sumbawa Barat

Standards of Treatment

We provide standard treatment & best medical facility in clinic.

Infection Prevention

We provide infection prevention & best medical facility in clinic.

Quality of Care Services

We provide a quality of care and best medical facility in clinic.

Patient Experience

We have the patient experience and best facility in the clinic.

Well Communication

We provide well communication & best medical facility in clinic.

25+ Years Experience

We have a 25+ Years Experience and best facility in the clinic.